Gift Ideas - Handmade and Other

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Five Minute Friday - Fill

Five Minute Friday is an opportunity to just write for 5 minutes - no editing, no over-thinking, no planning - and then gather with other bloggers to encourage and support one another's efforts. Join in over at Kate's site - Heading Home. Today's prompt is "Fill."

Ready . . . go . . .

Dear Lord,

Around me, so many are running low on fuel, their hearts and lives in turmoil . . .

The friend going through frivolous law suits at the hands of her ex . . .

The friend facing a life-changing diagnosis for her husband . . .

Friends and family who recently had children that will face challenges all of their lives

My brother just starting his fight with cancer and having unplanned and immediate surgery today . . .

A fellow congregant getting used to the new routine of dialysis . . .

They . . . we . . . are starting to run low on energy and hope, dear God.

Please fill us. Please fill us with hope, with peace, with YOURSELF, with strength to face what each day brings. I long for You and I know that You alone are the answer. Please fill us with trust . . . with child-like, fully abandoned trust that You will work all things together for good.

In Jesus' name. Amen.

I'd love to hear what you do to refresh your soul and body when you're tired and running on empty. 


  1. Hi! I'm hopping over from FMF today and I really needed this. I try to be positive but today I actually was imagining what the prompt would be and though of FULL and how full of struggle I was today. I'm glad and thankful you were before me and that I got encouragement from your prayer. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I am glad that this was encouraging to you and I'm sorry that life feels full of struggle. You are not alone in that. May God fill you with all that you need today.

  2. i feel like i could have written your post... so many hard things going on in the lives of those around me... those i love. and oh how we need God to fill us with His grace and power and love and mercy and...

    1. Somehow this seems to be a difficult season for many. Trusting that God will give all of us an extra measure of His rest . . . the verse comes to mind, "Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light." May we all experience that in a special way today.
