How do we valiantly survive the
trials of life?

Times in my life have been so
full of trials and tragedies that I have
dreaded what may be coming next and I have been afraid. I have wanted to run, to find a safe cave
where I can take all the people I love and keep us all safe and unharmed. I find myself repeating Jesus’ words from His
prayer in Gethsemane, “Let this cup pass from me.”
I didn't want to face any more pain
or suffering. I wanted life to get back to
“normal.” I tried to bargain with God, but of course that was futile. I tried to hide, to protect myself, but that
didn’t work either. I wanted this cup to
pass from me and the more I tried to make that happen the more miserable I
Jesus moved forward in His
prayer. So must I. So must we. He surrendered. He prayed, “Not
my will, but Yours be done.” I too, we
too, must accept the pain and hardship and surrender ourselves to God.
I was gripped by the opening scene
of “The Passion of the Christ.” Jesus
prays in agony in Gethsemane. His
surrender is powerfully portrayed. Later, he stands stripped of his clothes, chained to a large rock about
to be beaten and scourged by the Roman soldiers. The first blow has not yet fallen when He
says,“Father, My heart is ready.” As I
continued to watch the movie I was captivated by Jesus’ steely determination to
keep going, to face all that his trial and execution entailed. He faced His suffering with courage, with
strength, with confidence, with resolution, with steely determination. This is how I long to face life. I want to face life with courage, with
confidence, with passion. How do I get
there? How did Jesus do it?
He had a ready heart. He had an intimate relationship with God the
Father. He let go of His own desires and
embraced God’s will, and then pursued it in passionate obedience. He saw beyond the pain. He saw the purpose. He had the right perspective.
So often my perspective becomes
skewed and I look at the pain, the suffering.
I get focused on the difficulty. I forget to look up. I forget the
truth of Psalm 121:1-2 “I lift up my eyes to the hills – where does my help
come from? My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.” When I
forget to look up, I get stuck in the mire and muck. When I look up to my Helper and Maker, when I
surrender to Him, when I obey Him I can look difficulty in the eye and say,
“Father, My heart is ready.” I can
valiantly, courageously survive the trials when I focus on Him.
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